June 23, 2020
I wish to extend my warmest congratulations to all the high school graduates of Nanaimo-Ladysmith.
Your graduation is a milestone to be proud of. You have worked very hard to get here, learning and sharing your talents and qualities to enrich the experiences of those around you.
I know that the global pandemic has fundamentally changed the way you, your friends, and your family, are able to celebrate this important milestone. Something has been lost, and it's important to acknowledge that.
You are also entering the next stage of life alongside movements that are reshaping society - the fight for equality, the growing demand for action on climate change, the increasing polarization of public opinion, and more.
But you are a resilient cohort. As you grapple with the realities of the world, remember that resilience is not only about bouncing back - it’s about how you adapt and move forward.
Plans often don’t go the way we imagine. It’s important to be open to what comes your way. Your direction will change, sometimes at unexpected times, and you will navigate a path marked with accomplishments as well as challenges. In those moments, take opportunities and take chances. In doing so, you will continue to grow and create a positive impact on your loved ones and your community.
Some of you might have clear ideas about what’s next, and some of you may not. Some of you may have changed your plans because of recent events. Whatever comes next, I encourage you to be engaged with the world around you. Be a lifelong learner, continue to educate yourselves, and use your voice on issues that matter to you.
I wish you all the best in your future endeavours.
Congratulations to the class of 2020!
All the best,

Paul Manly
Member of Parliament for Nanaimo-Ladysmith
If you would like a personalized version of this letter sent to a high school graduate in Nanaimo-Ladysmith, please send a request by email to: Paul.Manly@parl.gc.ca or call 250-734-6400.