What: The Canadian government is looking for feedback from the public on creating a definition for "senior abuse". Senior abuse can greatly impact individuals' quality of life, autonomy, dignity, sense of security, and mental and physical health. By having a federal definition, it will help the government with creating awareness and prevention activities, gathering more consistent data collection, and creating more informed program and service delivery for seniors.
The online survey focuses on themes related to defining “senior abuse”. The survey will gather information on the preferred term to describe the issue, elements or behaviours to include in a definition, and types of information or data needed to develop senior abuse policies. Click here to learn more about the survey.
How to participate: Share your views on these important issues through the online survey. You can also print/complete the survey and mail it to: Employment and Social Development Canada, 140 Promenade du Portage, Phase IV, Gatineau QC K1A 0J9.
When: The survey closes on July 22, 2021.