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Petition to review the Canadian Victims Bill of Rights

Updated: May 7, 2021

This petition closes for signatures on May 30, 2021

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Petition e-3307 to the House of Commons


  • Canadians are victims in 2.2 million incidents of violent crime a year;

  • On a daily basis, thousands of these victims and survivors are re-traumatized by a criminal justice system that does not properly and automatically inform them of their rights and criminal justice processes;

  • The Canadian Victims Bill of Rights (CVBR) was enacted in 2015 to provide for victims’ rights to information, protection, participation, and seeking restitution;

  • A parliamentary committee was required to review the CVBR five years after the bill came into force, but no review has taken place; and

  • The CVBR lacks the teeth to make sure victims’ rights are upheld, leading to common complaints and frequent injustices for victims, including (i) finding out about trials after they have occurred, (ii) discovering their right to submit a victim impact statement after the deadline has passed, (iii) being unaware of their right to information about their federally incarcerated offender and accidentally coming into contact with their offender when said offender is released into the community, (iv) and having no real recourse when their rights are infringed.

We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons to order the review of the Canadian Victims Bill of Rights as required by the Act itself, legitimately and wholly taking into consideration the 15 recommendations put forth by the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime in their 2020 Progress Report.



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